Business Cards

Business Cards

We make affordable, brilliant, effective and memorable Business Cards. We accomplish through our own “Design Process” and specific “methods”. These lead to consistent results that you can count on. With tech being the buzz trend it’s important to balance your approach with something analog, physical and real. A Business Card is still the best marketing tool you have and has nothing to do with tech! Business Cards leave a lasting impression. Get an extension of your business and something you can impress someone with.


A good Business Card shouldn’t have to cost a lot of money. Whether you have a vision or you need something custom and new, the process of getting a business card should be pretty easy. While we love fancy cards you really don’t need something too flashy or extravagant. A standard basic business card with a bit of creative design can really give you that marketing tool you need.


Without a lot of space to work with it’s important to create something Brilliant. This helps to make the right impression when giving your card to someone. It should flow nicely and help create the right message about your Business or Product.


Do you get frustrated when you are using a website and the back-end account area just sucks? We sure do! This is why we will provide a very easy to navigate and understandable back-end area for your website. We provide step by step support instructions any time you need help, in a timely manner. It makes adding new pages, posts and content fast and easy. 9 times out of 10 we’ll use WordPress, which has a large amount of information and helpful tips and communities. Still find that too hard? No problem, we can handle it all.


Making it memorable doesn’t necessarily mean bold and flashy. It also doesn’t require a fancy super expensive card, not that we are against expensive super fancy cards! A simple basic double sided card can still make a great impression and create a memorable experience. A good message that flows nicely with great design handed to someone at the right moment is all you really need. This alone can give you the edge over someone with a boring or poorly designed card and ensure your# gets called.

While it seems the whole World has gone tech, using social media for everything, it’s important not to overlook the lasting greatness of a Business Card! Hand a potential client/customer something you are proud of today!

“What is the process involved in getting a new Business Card?”

1st you have to take action to improve your business, product, blog or person. You can do this by filling out our Questionnaire. It is short and simple and won’t take you long.

Once we have received your Questionnaire we will create a Proposal specific to your needs. If you choose to accept our Proposal we will then move onto the 2nd stage.

2nd, once we receive a deposit we will start working on your business card. We will begin looking at all the ideas the meeting generated and start sketching. Choosing the best of the best we turn those ideas into high quality mock-ups. Before we spend too much time on any one design we present 1 or more mock-ups to the client. Choosing the best we then work towards a finished version.

3rd, we finalize the card with the clients stamp of approval and work with the Printing Shop to get it printed as per the clients demands and requests. If we are doing only the Custom Design and the client is working with the Printing Shop then we will require final payment before releasing anything in full size and ready for Print. When your Card is back from the Printing Shop we will deliver it. You are ready to put your best marketing piece to work.

“Frequently Asked Questions About Business Cards?”

How long does it take?

With most things design it ultimately depends. A Business Card shouldn’t take too long. If you are a very involved Client than the Skys the limit. Generally you should plan for a 2 week process to ensure the design is given the time it deserves. Most Printing Shops can turn the card around within a few days.

How much does it cost?

Our Business Cards start at $49. This price is for the “Design”. Some people have good Graphic Artist skills however are not as fluent online or in making it Digital. This is where we often come in. There are also some clients who need full, fresh and original design. Still ]other clients sometimes have just an idea and need it realized. Each situation is different. The last card we did only cost the client $50 in design services. We can also do specials on Basic 2 Sided, or 1 Sided, Color or Black & White Cards, please contact us for a current quote. We do not offer any other Printing Services. The cost of the actual card is on top of our Design Service. We will work with the Printing Shop for you.

What all do I get?

You get a well designed Business Card and the stress free process of only having to deal with us. We will work with the Print Shop saving you time and hassle. You get 100% Ownership of your Business Card and the design. You can also get Printed Business Cards delivered to your door.

What is the catch?

There is no catch. It is in our Mission Statement to save people from bad design, bad service, bad cards, scams and people who charge too much.

Who will I work with?

You will work with a dedicated expert but everybody here will be able to help you and they will be familiar with you and your project.

Do you do other cards besides basic color?

Not at this moment. We are not an actual Printing Shop, we use Local Providers who are Professionals.We only offer the basic however can provide quotes and work with all other Printing Shops to get you any card you need.

Do you only design basic cards?

No, we can design any kind of card. If someone is printing it we can design it!

Are you ready to get started?

That’s Great! Getting a new website or updating an old one is an exciting thing.

Just fill out our Questionnaire and we will send you a Proposal.




Still Not Sure?

“Some additional information regarding Business Cards.”

Business Cards

We design affordable, eye catching, memorable, and effective Business Cards for various clients.

Our cards are made thoughtfully with the end goal in mind. We work through our normal design process and follow our in-house method to ensure consistent results.

Whether you need a design from scratch, have an idea, or have sketches and mockups ready to go We Can Help!


We listen to our clients. We will always provide our professional opinion however will always give your ideas their full time. 

Business Cards often do much better when the person handing them out is fully confident with them.

Using Vector Graphic Software we will ensure this is the case.

There are no hidden fees or costs and there is no catch or trick. We are only interested in getting you the Business Card you need and want while building our brand and Portfolio with the best Clients and Results.

Extremely Affordable

While many people claim they offer design services, most are actually not that good. We stay updated on the modern trends and general design aesthetics. We are also not afraid to break rules! 

Our Design Services are made extremely affordable. We cater to startups, small businesses and individuals whos often #1 concern and need is affordable! We want our clients to succeed, when they do, we do. For this reason we will always do our best to keep the costs down and ensure you are happy with not only the result but also the product.

Best Marketing Piece

Business Cards are still your main Marketing Piece, even in the days of technology, the internet and social media. Nothing quite competes with the Business Card.

Easy & Simplicity

Sure emailing is relatively fast and easy however when you are face to face with someone its just cumbersome and awkward. A Business Card on the other hand can be a reflection and extension of you. We are also not yet at the point each phone can communicate easily and seamlessly with each other. There is nothing easier then handing someone a business card.

Not Tech Reliant

It’s always a good idea to be balanced and relying too much on technology can get you in trouble. Having a good old fashioned Business Card that someone can touch, feel and look at, is still in style! Add some modern techniques and suddenly you can have an analog piece of physical marketing that actually communicates with and ties itself into Technology. You also look much better and prepared when you have one.

You can also hand out Business Cards in the middle of nowhere. You don’t need light or heat or the internet or power, you just need some in your pocket!

Personal Touch

A good business card can add that little bit of flare a phone or email just can’t. Smartphones have a way to disrupt social settings and conversations, leading to vacant and aloof people. A Business Card however can not only break the ice, it can lead to a more engaged and interested conversation. These engaged meetings are a much better way to not only make an impression but to actually connect with someone, all which increases your chances of future business.

“Other Related Services”


Custom Logos, one of our Specialties! We also specialize in making great Book Covers that WOW Authors and Readers. We also specialize in Business Cards.] We also do things you might not think of right away, like enhancing Landscape Designs. We also specialize in Advertisements and Marketing Materials.

550 – 2950 Douglas St. Victoria, BC V8T4N4

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