Graphic Design
We design and work with printers to make cohesive and peripheral advertising and marketing pieces for your business and/or products. This could be anything from a business card to a brochure to an event poster to a banner and sign.
All of our print focused designs are web ready and we design and create ads for both. We tend to prefer CMYK across both web and print, to help unify your brand and streamline your message but will oftentimes work in RGB for web specific projects.
We make our designs simple and understandable and follow many traditional and modern techniques and principals; including, breaking all design rules!
We can create from scratch, take an idea and expand upon it, or simply make your vision come to life.
We don’t just design something special for you, we take our expertise in branding and our knowledge in design to ensure the design is right, not only for the short term but the long term. We do this by taking into account more than just your favorite color, but your customers and your company. Everything you do should be cohesive with your message and your brand. We make sure to keep this in mind every step of the way.
We can help you make decisions and navigate the world of design to ensure your money is well-spent and your choices the best they can be at that given time.
Graphic Design can help:
• Communicate Something.
• WOW People.
• Inspire Action.
• Increase Engagement, Interest and Conversions.
• Brand Effectively and Efficiently.
• Increase Revenue and Profit
Without something for people to see, they may never know you exist.
People only often know what is in front of their eyes. Printed marketing materials often give them something to hold onto and always something to look at.
With so little time and increasing competition for people’s time, why take your chances with cheap or poor marketing materials, or worse, even none at all?
Properly designed marketing and advertising materials give you the best chance to effectively communicate your message.
This helps with recognition and people remembering you. With streamlined print cohesively tied to your overall brand, it continually builds a stronger foundation which helps to create a more memorable experience for clients and customers.
banner blister card brochure business cards flyers gift voucher label packaging pre-printed receipt roll poster shopping bag viny wrap book covers calendar clothing compliment slips continuation sheets door hangers exibition graphics folders flags greeting cards invitations leaflets letterheads mailers manuals menus notebook covers post cards presentation folders stickers tickets t-shirts wine lists rack cards
“Try not to look at us like an expense that costs you money. Almost everything we do for you is an asset which provides equity to your business and can be put on your books. These assets, along with your hard, work can become extremely valuable.
2021 True Mint Blueprints. All Rights Reserved. Designed by True Mint Blueprints.