Step 1 – ask | meet | research
Step 1 – ask | meet | research
It all starts with hello.
It then begins once we meet.
When the meeting is finished and we understand the problem, we leave to do our research.
Asking is always the first step in the design process.
You may contact us for a free quote or to have a question answered.
You may have seen an ad or heard about us from a client or word of mouth.
Maybe you met one of us personally and we asked you about your business and your design desires and requirements.
While seemingly there is an obvious and common sense start to any process, we can tend to forget even the simplest things during our daily busy lives. Recognizing every small step in the process can help to maintain focus, clarity, direction and communication; thus resulting in a better end result.
Please choose to ask us, it certainly won’t cost you anything.
Since the process has already started, thanks to our hellos, the meeting is where the project truly begins.
A person -to-person meeting is always preferred and recommended. This helps us to get better acquainted with each other which lends to a better and smoother process. An in person meeting also can tend to create more questions and answers and thus more information to help with the research and the decision making. This makes the whole process smoother and ultimately keeps costs and problems to a minimum.
If we are unable to find a way to get together there are numerous other options from email to telephone to instant messaging to text. We can use these ways to connect online and offline without unneeded travel or added expenses. This is often how we communicate throughout the process: helping to keep you up to speed on how things are coming together. Our preferred methods of ongoing communication are to use specific software solutions for workplace/projects, which allows for instant communication of text and images.
Once we have met and talked through your project; heard all your desires and have the information we need, we can both leave prepared to do effective research.
Taking the time to do a thorough brainstorming and research session helps to come to better decisions which save time and ultimately money.
Often a client will leave the session and do their own research, often times honing in what they truly want and thus coming to a more conclusive decision and direction regarding their brand and company. This can help to further our own research as well as to help save time ongoing. It also helps to bring us closer together to the point where we start working as a cohesive team.
Without research we both may as well be blindly tossing darts to an imaginary dart board. With good research almost anything we throw at the wall will stick.
Step 2 – analyze | identify | define
Step 3 – imagine | plan | visualize
Step 4 – create | design | develop
Step 5 – test | evaluate | improve
Step 6 – decide | deliver | launch