Step 3 – imagine | plan | visualize
Step 3 – imagine | plan | visualize
After we define the strategy we can begin to imagine the possibilities.
A good imagination helps to provide the best ideas to help plan.
A solid plan helps to visualize the best ideas in the greatest detail.
While similar to research, the imagine stage is where we discard all external stimuli and sit back and dream.
We don’t visualize yet because we are still working through problems and ultimately figuring out the right direction. We are imagining what the design could and should be, not what the design is. With endless options and variables, it is important to take the time to make the right decisions at the given time. This helps to save time and ultimately keeps costs down.
It is always important to slow things down to ensure the best decisions can be made at every step of the process. This allows us to keep everything in mind and make decisions based on all the variables that are present.
While it is true that the pencil can touch the paper at any time during the process, a focus on adhering to the design process provides the best opportunity for the perfect results. Often times a client will already have an idea of what they want. Following this process ensures the best design ultimately wins for the right reasons.
A vivid imagination makes for an exciting plan.
The planning stage is where we take what we imagined and whittle it down to one or a few select “bests”.
In designing like this, it allows us to focus more of our time on fewer things, thus resulting in better design.
As an example, a client may have a bold personality and an aggressive product and plan. They might desire for simple bold colors. We would have researched colors and shapes, old designs and various logos. We would have also found out as much about the client’s business, customers, current designs and strategies and anything that would helps us formulate the winning design. We would have imagined certain styles and looks, font types etc. in conjunction with the brand direction of the client. At the planning stage we make decisions on what exact direction we are going to take in regards to the actual design. For instance, we may plan for a simple 3 color scheme and basic shape that translates across all mediums and looks good, small and large. We may decide a circle and letter-mark logo will look best. We will also often have secondary options in a few variants.
This is the second to last step before we commit ink to paper and it is important to ensure we take the time to think things through properly. This helps to work through the clutter of life and business and it slows even the best of us down enough to ensure the best decisions are made.
Here is where we dream of everything the design could be. With all our preparation and well thought-out ideas, we essentially pre-design everything through visualization.
This is more then just simply what the design could look like, its how it will translate, where it could be used, the overall message, how it ties in with the company, the culture and the prevailing markets and anything else that may be pertinent to the project.
It is important we do things like this to ensure that we are creating the right design as opposed to just a design that will make us look good. A cohesive branding and complimentary design is essential for the best results in business. When visualizing we can ensure we keep these things in mind and best prepare us for the design process and physical creation.
Step 4 – create | design | develop
Step 5 – test | evaluate | improve
Step 6 – decide | deliver | launch